Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Post the First: A Description and a Plan

Well, wouldja look at that!  Here I am, on Blogspot/Blogger.  Slowly working my way into the world of social media and such.

This blog is mainly going to revolve around my journey to becoming a filmmaker and, hopefully, worldshaker.  I've always dreamed of changing the world, but I never knew exactly how to go about it until I discovered two things: film, and a little thing called social justice.

A lot of people try to use the term social justice as a derogatory thing -- they try to paint people who're seeking actual equality for all as being "too sensitive" or "too naive."

I call bullshit.

Because a lot of the time?  The people involved in social justice are the ones who have to deal with being on the losing end of the power imbalances in society.  And, like it or not, they get to choose what they find offensive, and, once people with privilege are aware of their privilege in relation to the oppressed, have a responsibility to listen.

And since a lot of the time, people don't listen, people get frustrated, and angry, and maybe come off as assholes.

But if the choice was to have your neck perpetually stepped on while you wait quietly for the privileged to realize how fucked up the system is or to come off as an asshole, I know I'll choose coming off as an asshole every time.

Because people deserve their dignity; they deserve to be treated with equality and respect, whether or not they be privileged or oppressed.

In case you're wondering, this is going to be a very political blog, because to change the system, you either have to destroy it utterly, change it from the inside, or yell loud enough and long enough to be heard.  This is my little corner of the Internet to do that third thing.

Filmmaking's going to be my way of doing the second.  Hopefully it won't have to come to doing the first.

But anyway, that's a basic overview of me, and what this blog is in essence about:

Problematizing the media we consume so that we can recognize and rail against the destructive messages that we get spoon-fed every day.

I'll be doing two separate review projects on this blog to that end.  The first is for the CW supernatural soap opera Supernatural, which, as much as I love it, tends to fall on the "way, way problematic" side of things, and the other is for every new film I go see in theatres.  I'll start with a post linking to my Tumblr post about The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, and then start posting to both this blog and the Tumblr blog about Les Miserables, which I saw last Saturday.  The film project will live on both blogs, as will the SPN one.

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